IMenu_KC Interface
- Enable
- GetItemCount
- GetItemAt
- InsertAt
- RemoveAt
- Add
- InsertSubMenu
- GetSubMenu
IMenu_KC interface gives access to context
menu (right mouse click) of DG Kernel componet.
IMenu_KC can be queried from
IView interface of the component.
See also: Light Sample,
Menu topic
HRESULT Enable(int item, VARIANT_BOOL enable)
item - [in] 0-based index of the
item. The default menu indices are enumerated in EMenuCommand_KC
enable - [in] True to enable the item
HRESULT GetItemCount(int *count)
count - [out, retval] Current number of items in the
menu, including separators
HRESULT GetItemAt(int index,
IMenuItem_KC **item)
index - [in] 0-based index of the
item. Must be less than the current count of items.
item - [out, retval]
IMenuItem_KC interface implemented by the item
- Remarks:
IMenuItem_KC interface implemented by the item. It is recommended
to reacquire the interface after modifications of structure of the menu (items
removed or added)
HRESULT InsertAt(int indexAt, IMenuItem_KC
indexAt - [in] 0-based index in the
menu. Must be less than or equal to the current count of items.
item - [out, retval] - The returned
interface implemented by the newly inserted item
- Remarks:
Inserts a new default item at the position and returns
interface implemented by the newly inserted item, which can be used to set its
properties, including the displayed text.
HRESULT RemoveAt(int index)
index - [in] 0-based index of the
item. Must be less than the current count of items.
- Remarks:
Removes the item at the position.
HRESULT Add(IMenuItem_KC **item)
item - [out, retval] - The returned
interface implemented by the newly inserted item
- Remarks:
Adds a new default item at the end of the menu and returns
interface implemented by the newly inserted item, which can be used to set its
properties, including the displayed text.
HRESULT RemoveAll()
- Remarks:
Empties the menu.
HRESULT FindItem(char* name, int *index)
name - [in] Text of the item to be
index - [out, retval] - Index of the
found item or -1 if there is no item with the name
HRESULT InsertSubMenu(int indexAt, IMenu_KC** newSubMenu)
indexAt - [in] New sub menu will be
created at this position
newSubMenu - [out, retval] - The new sub
- Remarks:
Creates a new submenu at position indexAt. The menu has a
single item with all default attributes, which can be modified via GetSubMenu(indexAt,
...) > IMenu_KC > GetItemAt(0, ..) > IMenuItem_KC
HRESULT GetSubMenu(int i, IMenu_KC** subMenu)
i -[in] Index (position) of the
submenu in this menu
subMenu - [out, retval] - The
returned sub
- Remarks:
This method can be called for any non-negative i, which is less then count of all
menu items including submenus as returned by GetItemCount. When item at the position is not a
submenu the method returns a NULL reference.